We believe that everything we have comes from God, and that giving is part of our response to him. As we seek to love God and build His Kingdom in Banbridge and Seapatrick, this is only possible through the generosity of our church family, both through financial giving and gifted time.
Financial Giving
We are so thankful for God’s provision through the continued financial support and generosity of our church family. Financial giving enables us to resource the church, as we seek to find new ways to meet the needs of our community and continue to maintain the ongoing ministry and mission of church life. Regular giving is incredibly helpful as it allows us to budget more effectively.
If you would like to give to the work of BChurch, there are a couple of ways you can give, all giving is hugely appreciated!
Online Banking
If you have access to online banking, you’re able to set up regular giving through Standing Order or one-off donation by BACS transfer. To arrange payments by online banking, our account details are:Bank: Ulster Bank, Banbridge
Sort Code: 98-03-30
Account No: 05390582
Account Name: Seapatrick Parish Church
Reference: Your Name and Weekly Envelope Number (if you have one)
Cash or Cheque
You may wish to give during our services, you can do this through cash or cheque by placing an envelope on the offering plate as you leave. Please make cheques payable to ‘Seapatrick Parish Church’.
We would appreciate it if you would contact the Parish Office and let us know if you have set up a Standing Order or made a one-off donation, especially if you do not have a Weekly Envelope Number.
Giving Time
We are so grateful for all our volunteers, and church life wouldn’t be possible without them! However, we are always looking for new volunteers to help us as we seek to be the church at the heart of Banbridge and Seapatrick. God has gifted each of us uniquely and calls us to serve, you can use your gifts by volunteering within the life of the church. There are many different ministries areas in which you could serve, some of these include; welcome, music, children, youth, media and hospitality.
To get involved and be an active part of our community, please contact us to find out more about volunteering with us.